Dialogue with a Director
New Family Conference Space
New Family Conference Space Our new family conference space on the north side of the funeral home. Gallop Funeral Services is always improving!
Currituck County Small Business of the Year
Currituck County Small Business of the Year Because Gallop Funeral Services, Inc. is proud of its heritage of being a 100% local, homegrown and community based servant of all families- WHEN WE WIN – YOU WIN! THANK YOU for making us the CURRITUCK COUNTY SMALL BUSINESS OF THE YEAR! Ben and I and our small… Continue reading Currituck County Small Business of the Year
League of Women Voters board Member, Courtney Gallop, at Dare Day community celebration.
League of Women Voters board Member, Courtney Gallop at Dare Day community celebration. Our funeral director Courtney N. Gallop sits on the board of the local League of Women Voters. She coordinated the information outreach table at this year’s Dare Day community celebration. Gallop Funeral Services, Inc. has always actively supported positive efforts to improve… Continue reading League of Women Voters board Member, Courtney Gallop, at Dare Day community celebration.
2022 Currituck Chamber of Commerce Spring Social
2022 Currituck Chamber of Commerce Spring Social The Currituck Chamber spring social turned out to be lots of fun and a great night to catch up with local business and community leaders. Food, entertainment, and fellowship were on point! The Currituck Chamber of Commerce is an influential and important voice for small businesses as we… Continue reading 2022 Currituck Chamber of Commerce Spring Social
Celebrating 16 Years in Business!
Celebrating 16 Years in Business! 16 never felt so sweet- On April 1st, 2006 a little boat ventured out onto the big stormy sea of entrepreneurship. Tidal waves, calm days, blinding rain, brutal cold, blistering sun, taking on water, laying out on the deck, broken masts, torn sails- AND MORE. We kept our hand on… Continue reading Celebrating 16 Years in Business!
Gallop Funeral Services, Inc. Guest at “Career Cafe”
Gallop Funeral Services, Inc. Guest at “Career Cafe” Had a great time as the guest “Career Cafe” speaker over the past couple weeks! The Currituck County middle schools hold these sessions for students who sign up for lunch time up-close encounters with local professionals. Of course funeral service and entrepreneurship were the topics of the… Continue reading Gallop Funeral Services, Inc. Guest at “Career Cafe”
Gallop Funeral Services, Inc. Completes Exhaustive and Lengthy Tax Audit
Gallop Funeral Services, Inc. Completes Exhaustive and Lengthy Tax Audit Gallop Funeral Services, Inc. partner and financial officer, J. Ben Andrews in conjunction with our company tax professionals- Burgess, Lowman & Lay PA have just completed a lengthy and detailed state tax audit. During the several month-long audit process- the auditor noted the funeral home… Continue reading Gallop Funeral Services, Inc. Completes Exhaustive and Lengthy Tax Audit
FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Nags Head- Gallop Funeral Services, Inc. has been informed that federal funds are available to assist with some funeral and cremation expenses for deaths that occurred in 2020 and are COVID related. These funds are available to qualified individuals only. FUNERAL HOMES are not permitted to apply for or accept these… Continue reading FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance