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Jaya Anita Spencer Saxena

June 4, 2016

“The Saxena family of Ottawa, Canada would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to the paramedics for their quick response and respectful treatment of our baby daughter Jaya during her passing.  We want to thank the state troopers and local police enforcement, especially Tammy Willis, Fred DeMuth and Brent Doughtie, for their empathy and kind treatment of us as parents.  We also want to thank retired minister Tom Murphy for arriving to console us and our friends during a very stressful and traumatic time when we needed some guidance. We want to thank Gallop Funeral Services for their care of baby Jaya and making sure she was with her favourite frog, Ribbit, throughout her time with them.  And finally we want to thank the community of Rodanthe, our vacation home, which has welcomed us for the last 12 years as our group has transitioned from university students to parents of young children.”